
Radio Silence: The state of America


I wrote this a few weeks ago. I’m just getting around to posting it. It’s not a fun thing to talk about but as a black woman in America, it’s hard not to be affected by the continual killing of black men (women, and children). It’s hard to keep up with the fluff. It’s hard to ignore the state of America.

So… you’ve noticed I’ve been quiet for a while? Apologies. I have a few posts that were queued up, but then another (and another) black man was killed. And then my brother’s city was in riots, and shutdown, and chaos. And… honestly, it just didn’t feel appropriate to write about my evening skincare routine and to ignore the state of racial injustice.

But like, this isn’t that type of blog… right?


So, if I’m being honest, I had a bit of an existential crisis trying to figure out if I could truly compartmentalize myself into this person who only talked about topical/fluffy topics when I am an outspoken activist at my core. And then I just sat around angrily writing poetry, and Facebook posts, and keeping quiet in this space.

Who am I?

You see, this cookie cutter stay-at-home mom is not who I am. I am outspoken. I am an activist. I am a writer and a poet and someone who is moved by injustice to act… to speak. And I haven’t figured out how that fits within this blog world. Don’t get me wrong, I care a whole hell of a lot about good skin care. And,ย figuring out how to be a fun, put together, HOT mom is pretty high up there on my day-to-day life objectives…

But honestly, I care more about the state of racism in America. I’m working on how best to feel that I am honoring myself in the process of also creating content that doesn’t marginalize those who aren’t as… outspoken.


So, perhaps I’ll find a way to share that part of my life, too. Hopefully, you’ll stick around to see how that unfolds.

ps- If you’re in the south-east and looking for resources, www.charlotteuprising.com is informative and has information about how to get involved (from petitions to on the groundwork).

Xo, Kimberly Fe'Lix

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