
5 habits for a more productive morning

Productive morning calendar + phone flatlay- Felixinsideout

I get asked “how do you do you it all,” a surprising number of times. And frankly, I’m never quite sure how to answer the question because I don’t feel like I’m doing anything special. But, as it turns out, that’s exactly why Iย am so productive… I keep it extraordinarily simple. I have three kids, I kind of have to. But since I get asked this question so often, I thought I would try and sit down and distill it down to the 5 things that I believe help me have a more productive morning; which sets the tone for my entire day. Here’s hoping one, two, or more resonate with you and help you take your productivity up to level 10.

Let’s get into it.

Eliminate decisions in the morning

My brain just refuses to function before 7 am, and preferably a cup of coffee, so I just can’t be relied upon to make important decisions. So for a productive morning, all critical decisions, like what to eat and what to wear, must be made the night before. This includes picking out the kids clothing, signing notebooks, and finding that random item you 4yr old insists on taking to preschool.

Create a morning ritual

Thinking about this one made me realize I’m basically a child. If you’re a mom, you know what I mean. All the parenting experts tell you how important a routine is for your child. I’ve found that it is surprisingly important for me, as an adult, as well. In fact, for a long time, I allowed myself to lay in bed, telling myself I’d get a few more minutes of sleep if I slept until my children came into the room. But, what would end up happening was I was constantly woken up by my children clamoring into the room. Noisy, happy, children. And then I realized, not only was I not getting any more sleep, butย it was making me grumpy. I couldn’t figure out how I went from being a morning person to being a morning grouch until I started waking upย before the kids so that I could have a few moments to myself. It has made all the difference in the world.

Currently, I love waking up to meditative music, focusing on my breath for a few moments, and then washing my face before the kids come charging into my room.

Water first

You guys, Iย live by the “but first, coffee” motto, but it just isn’t that great for you. So, I try to remember to have a 16oz glass of water first thing in the morning. And if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I like to add either chlorophyll or lemon to my water. The goal is to hydrate those cells, which have gone without water all night before you toss a diuretic on it.

I prefer cold water in the warmer months, but water lemon water with a few grates of ginger does wonders for your body.

A few benefits of warm lemon water

  1. It hydrates and oxygenates the body, so it feels revitalized and refreshed.
  2. The citric acid in lemons stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification
  3. It seriously wakes up the digestive tract. Yup, you heard me. Good morning!


This one is a matter of remembering to practice what I preach. Lately, I’ve been seriously failing at this one. I blame the baby. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ But… when I have my shit together, early morning exercise is my favorite. It energizes me, lifts my mood, and motivates me to remain productive throughout my day. I am a firm believer that “like attracts like,”ย and exercise is the epitome of productivity. When I’m in the habit of a morning workout, especially if it’s a HITT class or megaformer pilates, I feel like I can take on the world. It’s probably just the adrenaline.

Big things first

I learned this back when I had standard work hours. When you have a million things to get done, you can waste a lot of mental energy dreading the big thing you don’t want to do. It is much easier to knock it out when you’re fresh, eager, and focused. Once you check that task off your list, you’re also likely to feel motivated to get other big things done. Again… like attracts like. Lately, my “big tasks” are related to errands, emails, or house organization, but I promise this works in the workplace as well.

And that’s it.

Does a productive morning make me a Boss Babe?

So, I totally wanted to title this post “How to be a boss babe,” but it just didn’t feel right. Perhaps it’s all the toys on the floor, or the dishes in the sink, but at this particular moment, I feel likeย anything but a boss babe. Anyway, I’m sharing that because I want to keep it really real with you. Even those of us (moms) who look like we’ve got it all figured out, are still stepping over baby toys and wondering if it’s poop or chocolate on our shirts. {Who knows the reference?} It’s not all about being productive, some days just aren’t. But with a little planning and a good hard look at how you practice self-care, you gon’ be alright. ๐Ÿ˜‰

You got this.

How do you set yourself up for success? Share your productivity tips, tricks, and hacks below.

Xo, Kimberly Fe'Lix

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