
Assuaging Mom Guilt with Raised Real Homemade Baby Food

raised real butternut squash reach

Today I want to talk to you about feeding tiny humans, specifically baby food. I’ve made it my mission to feed my children the highest quality, most nutrient dense foods available. With a chef for a brother, I also know that we eat with our eyes first. So nutritious and attractive is the goal. If you follow me on over on Instagram, you’ve probably seen examples of the nutritious lunches and smoothies I serve up. In fact, its a topic I’m asked about frequently. What can I say, It’s not your mama’s baby food.

With Elijah, my eldest; despite both my husband and I finishing up degrees (and him in the mad dash to defend his dissertation); I was able to make everything Eli ate from scratch. Fast forward to Jeremiah, my middle child, and I decided to become a full-time stay at home mom. Unsurprisingly, this made things easier. I also happened to live in Los Angeles, and in the land of the single season, fresh food fast was my specialty.

But the fact of the matter is, having three children is a whole different ballgame. Unwilling to compromise on quality just for the sake of convenience, I reached out to Raised Real for a little help. Let me tell you how this new, but rapidly growing brand, caught my eye and has blown me away.

First the standard disclaimer: This post is a collaboration with Raised Real. I reached out, and they graciously sent me a box to try, but all opinions are my own. Stick around because I’ve got a great discount code for you at the end.

Now, on to the good stuff.

raised real butternut squash baby

So, let me set a baseline.

I think it’s always important to give you a baseline for my perspective. As mentioned, with my first two children I made it my priority to cook wholesome homemade baby food. And while parenting and feeding children is never perfect, this was important to me. You might be wondering why I didn’t just run to my local grocery store, clean out the shelves, and call it a day. And for me the answer is two-fold.

The first reason is that research shows that what children eat in the first few years creates their palate. In fact, research suspects we mothers can affect our children’s palates while they are still in the womb. To this day people ask me how I get my children to eat this or that and the answer is, introduce it early and introduce it often. My sons (8 & 4) will happily tell you that their favorite foods include broccoli, kale, green smoothies, and a myriad of ethnically diverse meals. I’ll say it again, introduce it early and often. So, for me, straight off the shelf baby food just does not hold up. They rarely offer varieties with spices and different flavor profiles. In fact, often it’s the same six fruits and vegetables featured over and over again. Hello, can I get a little diversification?

The second reason and perhaps the most important is nutrition. Did you know that the average jar of baby food has a shelf life of two years? Meaning it has likely been sitting on a shelf for longer than your little one has been alive. This undoubtedly involves the use of a preservation process that destroys the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. The fact of the matter is that test after test has shown that shelf stable baby foods are often higher in sodium and sugar and don’t have the same nutrient density as foods you make at home. If given a choice, I’m gonna have to pass.

Why Raised Real?

Raised Real is a California based company that has a motto of “Homemade baby food for Real Life.” I learned about the company when they were brand new while I was still living in L.A. The brand excited me because it was co-founded by an RD with a Ph.D. in Nutrition, so I knew I could trust her knowledge.  After having my daughter and realizing just how truly different three children were going to be, I looked back to Raised Real. Imagine my disappointment when I learned that they weren’t yet shipping outside of the West Coast. But still, I put myself on their mailing list because their newsletters provide a plethora of fantastic nutrition advice and share links to research about conventional baby food products (i.e., when foods test positive for arsenic and lead!).

I was super excited when I got the email that they were finally shipping to the East Coast. I reached out to them shortly after, and I’ve been genuinely impressed with not only their service and knowledge but also with the product itself. Raised Real serves up real food, pre-portioned, flash frozen, and direct to your doorstep.

When it comes to why I chose and now recommend Raised Real its simple: they offer nutritionally balanced meals with varied spices and textures, and always contain plant-based proteins and healthy fats. Basically, everything I try to include when I’m making baby food myself. Just a whole lot easier; because frankly, I’m not too proud to say I need a little help now and then.

raised real beet baby

So here’s how it works

Once you’ve decided to take the plunge, you sign up for the membership over at RaisedReal.com, and you’ll receive 20 meals. Membership also gives you access to their Baby Food Hotline which is super helpful. The meals are rotated regularly so that your baby begins to build a diverse palate. But, most importantly, they are receiving a diverse set of nutrients; giving them the very best start. The packaging is all BPA-free and recyclable. Additionally, similar to many adult meal delivery services, you can skip or cancel anytime.

The Meals

This is what you came for, and it’s good. Expect organically sourced, Big 8 allergen-free, plant-based deliciousness. The meal cards break down the nutrients in each pouch and provide insights into why certain ingredients were selected. Serve your little one the Cauliflower, Kale, White Quinoa, Garlic & Avocado oil meal, and you can be sure that your baby is getting maximum absorption of the vitamin A from the kale because the avocado oil is there to save the day… and provide some healthy fat. Want an unusual, but delicious, combo for breakfast? The Butternut Squash, Banana, White Quinoa, Cardamom & Coconut Butter is fantastic with a few sprinkles of cinnamon.

Mom hack: Puree the above, add a little milk to make it thin, and pour it over granola. My 8yr old loved it, and I felt like a supermom.

raised real butternut squash banana white quinoa

Speaking of hacking these meals, that’s another thing that I love. These meals can support your baby’s growth for the long haul. If you have a new eater, steam and puree super smooth. Add a little breast milk, and you’ve got the perfect meal. If your 9mo old is feeling like a pro, cut back some of the liquid and begin offering chunkier solids. And if you have a toddler who is getting into finger foods, just steam and serve. How perfect is that?

Mom hack #2: the Strawberry, Beet, White Quinoa, Basil & Sacha Inchi Oil is fantastic over a bed of spinach. Add a protein of choice and its good eats (I like mine with chicken).

raised real strawberry beet basil

The Meal Prep

For a limited time Raised Real had their own all in one machine. It’s the one that I’m using in the photos. Unfortunately, those machines are no longer available. But don’t worry because these meals are super simple to make. If you already have an all-in-one machine it’s simple: All you’ve got to do is put water in the reservoir and set the timer.

If you’re in the market and don’t know where to start, I’d recommend either the BEABA Babycook or the Baby Brezza (Glass). I’ve used both, and you can steam and blend in the same machine. It’s straightforward with easy cleanup. On days where I’m not in a crunch, and I’m prepping dinner veggies midday, it’s easy enough to toss a few veggies in the machine and make up a quick lunch for my Ellie girl. Steamed vegetables for lunch, roasted for dinner. Completely different flavor profiles. Let me say it one more time friends… early and often.

Not in the market for more equipment? It’s simple enough to bring a few tablespoons of water to a boil, empty the pouch into pot, cover and reduce for about eight minutes. Then either blend or serve as finger food.

raised real butternut squash avanchy bowl   raised real beets avanchy bowl

The bottom line

There are no magic bullets when it comes to raising kids. We are all just trying to do the best that we can. For me, after safety and love, nutrition is one of my highest parenting priorities. This means I either have to make everything myself, which comes with a hefty amount of thought and prep or, I have to outsource. Raised Real is nutritious enough that it very well could be the primary food source for your baby or toddler; but at a minimum, it is an excellent resource for filling the gaps. I know it has certainly helped to assuage some of my mom guilt. You know, that guilt that comes from your ideal situation not matching reality. Raised Real can help with that.

raised real meal pouch flat lay

A membership to Raised Real is $95 for 20 meals, every two weeks. You can skip or cancel at any time. There is also the option to change the frequency of your deliveries. This is great should you choose to use the service to supplement your own baby food making endeavors, like me.

If you’re interested but on the fence shoot me a message, I’d love to talk more (I’m most accessible via Instagram DMs — I spend a lot of time trapped under a sleeping baby). And if you’re like “Where do I sign up!?!,” be sure to jump on it because Raised Real has offered $20 off your first order for the first 50 readers to use my code: FELIX20.

Have you ever considered a baby food delivery service? If it’s not for you, don’t worry, I’ll be sharing more of what I feed my kids when I’m not using Raised Real soon and if you’re looking for inspiration be sure to follow Raised Real on social media… because #realisperfect.

Xo, Kimberly Fe'Lix

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