
Let’s talk Period Poverty & Menstrual Cups

Saalt Co Period Cup box -felixinsideout

At the end of 2018, I had the privilege of partnering with Saalt Co, a menstrual cup company, to start a conversation about period poverty. You guys, your girl has grown. Ten years ago this would have never happened. I mean, you couldn’t have paid me to talk about periods in public. But I’ve done a lot of unpacking my shit around body image + menstruation, not to mention I have a daughter now.  With an actual female human in the picture, one who watches me so very carefully, it has become more critical than ever for me to have these conversations. So, let’s talk. And maybe even work together to end period shame + period poverty.

FYI- I did a Sponsored Instagram Post (which included a giveaway) with Saalt Co in December, but this post (including the video) is one I decided to do independently because I genuinely believe in this important content. As always, my opinions are my own (and fact-checked).

Story Time

I remember the first time someone recommended a menstrual cup to me — it was nearly 10yrs ago and I absolutely could not get on board. Would you believe I was actually at a medical student conference? I mean, you would have thought I could talk about anything to do with the human body. Truth be told I could, so long as it wasn’t my human body. Which I tended to ignore at all costs.

What can I say, I was young, ignorant, rarely had a period (malnutrition) and had a lot of body shame, particularly around menstruation. Fast forward a decade and from the moment I learned, I was having a daughter I have been thinking about changing my relationship with my own body + period so that I never pass on that negativity to Eleanor. And don’t get me wrong, I began doing this deep healing work when I had my first child many years ago, but there is something about having a daughter that motivates me more than having sons ever could.

As to be expected, when my desire to become period literate coincided with my desire to transition to a more non-toxic & eco life, the period cup came back up… and you guys, I’m never going back.

Cup Facts

Saalt Co Period Cup Period Poverty -felixinsideout

One Cup:

  • saves over $1,500 (*1 cup x 10yrs at 300 tampons/yr avg per woman)
  • can last 10yrs
  • is made from medical-grade silicone + toxin free
  • can be worn up to 12 hrs
  • promotes natural pH balance of vagina (*does not cause dryness)
  •  is zero waste

And after a short learning curve, it is far more comfortable than a tampon, and far more convenient than either a tampon or a pad. You can legitimately insert a cup and leave it in for 12 hours (or more) without worry of Toxic Shock Syndrome or leaks. And if you’re in it for the eco reasons, this product is zero waste, compare that to the 20 BILLION+ menstrual products disposed of annually in the US alone, and you’ve got a major impact for both your personal life and for the environment. It’s a win-win.

The choice is yours

Trust me; I will never pressure you to make a choice that you makes you feel comfortable. This conversation is not about layering on more shame. This conversation is about informing you of the options and imploring you to have the conversation, even if you never use a cup. You should not be ashamed of your period. And if you are a tampon girl, look for non-toxic organic options. Your “ya-ya” does not need fragrance, toxic pesticides, or additives.

But here’s the thing— this choice is a damn privilege. In many countries, such as East Africa, girls are missing as much as 20% of the school year because they do not have access to appropriate menstrual hygiene products. And when girls miss school and women miss work communities suffer.

The Saalt Co Difference

Saaltco, which only launched last year, has already donated more than 2,500 cups to women in Nepal, Venezuela, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Kenya & Uganda. Talk about a brand making a huge impact. So I’m super excited to partner with them to raise awareness about this important topic.

I had the privilege of meeting Amber, the co-founder of Saalt Co, at the Well Summit this past Fall and after a long conversation about non-profits, philanthropy, and period poverty, I knew I wanted to partner with them.

We believe everyone should have quality and sustainable period care. We partner with charities to provide period care to women and girls in need. [We also] help fund initiatives in education, empowerment, and poverty alleviation. — Saalt Co

And when asked why this matters?

A small investment in better period care has the power to change the trajectory of a girl’s life, and that of her entire community. Proper period care ensures every girl is given equal opportunity to learn and work. When girls can safely and effectively manage their periods, it empowers them to care for their own needs, stay in school, and lift themselves out of poverty. And education for one girl can break the cycle of poverty for generations. — Saalt Co

Watch Here ⇓

In this video, I’m doing more than giving you a review on the Saalt Cup (Duo Pack – $43); although, I do that, too. But more importantly, I’m talking about how we can start the conversation to end period shame + address period poverty. I have come to understand that your period is your birthright, and you should never have to feel bad about it.

And trust me, I get it, but after unpacking my shit, and having a daughter, I realized I wanted to change the conversation.

You can, too.

Want to Support Saalt Co.’s partners?

Find the partners doing significant work to end period poverty and change the conversation here:



 Stay Connected:

» Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Kimberly__Felix

» Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Kimberly__Felix

» Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Kimberly__Felix

» Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Felixinsideout

Have questions about switching to a cup? Want to know more about Period Poverty? Let your questions down below. Let’s keep this conversation going.

Xo, Kimberly Fe'Lix

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