My baby isn’t a baby anymore. In fact, at some point, she turned into a full-fledged toddler. She went from taking her first steps to running, climbing, and taking on the playground like a big girl. This is a byproduct of being the baby sister to two rambunctious boys, I’m sure. But, one of my favorite parts of transitioning from a “boy-mom” into having a daughter is all the cute clothing… and the shoes, goodness the little girl shoes! Today I want to share a sweet little toddler girl style post featuring one of our favorite children’s shoe brands, See Kai Run.
Much to my husband’s chagrin, I’m a huge fan of children’s style. My sons were always some of the best-dressed boys in the playgroup (thanks to Rockets of Awesome), and I’ve seriously lost my whole damn mind when it comes to little girl’s clothing. I mean, you guys, it’s insane the options that are available. My favorite look for little girls sits firmly in the “classic, subdued, slightly feminine, but still functional” category. I mean, we are still talking about a toddler here. Admittedly, I shop a lot of high-end brands for Eleanor; because I just can’t resist, and apparently have no self-control.
Dressing Eleanor
For everyday girl style that fits my category (classic, subdued, slightly feminine, but still functional”) to a T, I cannot go wrong with Tea Collection and Mini-Boden (the children’s extension of Boden). These two brands make up the bulk of Eleanor’s daily wear items. I love that both brands focus on keeping children young by employing classic styles designed to grow with your child.
Boden is a London based brand that creates clothes that bring a pop of color and a little fun to an otherwise utilitarian style design. The attention to detail is really out of this world, small buttons here, complimentary lining there, it adds up to a beautiful piece of clothing. I love Boden clothing for myself, and swoon over their children’s line for my children. Tea Collection is one of my favorite clothing brands because they bring fun prints with global connections and they are ethically sourced with a focus on sustainability. I like to think that I am raising global citizens and Tea Collection supports that. It may sound silly, but these clothes elicit conversations.
Everyday. Upgraded
I know. I know. These items are a bit pricey. But goodness they are cute and the quality is beyond reproach. I love Kate Spade NY for their whimsical dresses, skirts, and rompers that have a ton of personality. Eleanor has never gone out in a Kate Spade get up without getting compliments. For something a little more subdued, but possibly the softest cotton you’ll find, we love Splendid. Splendid is a great California based brand that has a penchant for softness. This brand started with a quest for a perfect T-shirt; their whole theme is “casual, but polished” and they’ve got it down to a tee. (see what I did there? 😜)
We fancy
As you might imagine I was way fancier before having kids, they are “why we can’t have nice things,” but I at some point you have you to realize you can’t just forgo all the nice things because you have small children. At some point between baby two and three I decided I missed the fancy stuff, so here we are, wading back into that world. Janie & Jack is where I look when I’m styling for anything even remotely resembling a special occasion. Brunch plans, high tea, nice dinners out, yacht parties or weddings, you’ll likely find the kiddos sporting something from Janie & Jack. And yes, I said “yacht party” because sometimes we fancy.
Obviously, every occasion doesn’t call for a fancy frock or toddler power suit (ha!), so I always keep my eyes peeled at places like Target or Gap for tees or shorts to round out Ellie’s wardrobe. Now that we are heading into Fall I’m definitely on the lookout for some long sleeve bodysuits and basic tights to keep baby girl warm. The Cat & Jack line at Target has a lot of cute pieces. And Baby Gap is a classic.
See Kai Run
No matter what outfit Eleanor is wearing she needs to be able to run, climb, and jump. I’ve loved See Kai Run shoes for years because they are engineered specifically to fit a child’s foot and designed to promote healthy foot development. They are flexible with room to move; helping children develop proper gait, balance, stride, and foot strength. But what brings me back with every child is the cute, yet classic designs which can be easily dressed up or down. See Kai Run makes sandals, mary janes, boots, and cutest little everyday styles, for girls and boys.
See Kai Run also gets a gold star in my book because they continually support children in need through their Superstar program. Through this program See Kai Run donates 10% of their proceeds to various charities which support children suffering from chronic illness and disabilities. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I love supporting brands that give back. Go HERE to learn more about how See Kai Run “Hustles Kindness.”
Fave See Kai Run Styles
FYI- I reached out to See Kai Run, and they generously sent me this pair of shoes for Eleanor, but all opinions are my own. In fact, SKR shoes have been a part of our family since my eldest was learning to walk, almost eight years ago; so when I recommend See Kai Run it is with years of experience (and voting with my own dollars) under my belt.
Have you made See Kai Run a part of your child’s closet?
Xo, Kimberly Fe'Lix