
I’m back…


You will have to forgive me as I dust off the cobwebs.

Post-election I was in a daze, which I briefly talked about my post about radio silence. Then my family and I moved from Los Angeles to the D.C. area the week before Christmas. It was a sought-after promotion and transfer, but ya know, hindsight is 20/20, and moving across the country with two small children and a dog while 24wks pregnant was probably not the easiest decision we could have made.

Oh Hello, D.C.

Once we got everyone safely to the East Coast we had the major task of trying to bring Holiday magic + birthday magic to my now 7yr old, all while in temporary housing. In the 3 months that we spent in temporary corporate housing, we viewed countless houses and enrolled our son in two different elementary schools (one associated with the temporary house and then another when we finally found our home). There were also, what felt like, a gazillion doctors appointments (I was technically “high risk” and had a maternal-fetal medicine specialist in addition to an OBGYN)… oh, and I got the flu (despite having the flu shot early in the pregnancy).

Moving Day, the Sequel

Then, finally, moving day. It came… and it went. HA! The movers arrived only to have to reschedule because the night before we got tons of snow and ice, and the driveway/street/sidewalk hadn’t been fully plowed. I was 36wks pregnant.

We managed to get rescheduled for the following day and then commenced to trying to do the final preparations for the arrival of baby #3. Oh, and I was also trying to conjure the energy for a little birthday magic for my now 3yr old and figure out how on earth we were going to celebrate our wedding anniversary, all while unpacking and trying to just keep that baby in my belly.

The Newborn Daze

Being high risk, my labor and delivery came with its own set of complications and trials, but I will talk about that in a post dedicated solely to that experience. The gist is this, things didn’t go as planned, but 10 weeks later I look at those delectable cinnamon rolls (there are so very many baby rolls!) and all that matters is that I have a beautiful, healthy, juicy baby girl.

After her birth, I was in a daze. And honestly, that has only just lifted these last 2 weeks. The postpartum period is truly a very unique time in a woman’s life. Hormones… there are so many hormones. Add to that the normal life stressors + complications and an unexpected birthing experience and it is the perfect concoction for a fog to descend.

At any rate, it has been truly a whirlwind. And, if you have children you know that we are still very much in the sleep-deprived zombie zone, but… at 2months postpartum we are hitting our stride. We’ve finally reached that point where having three children doesn’t seem like its someone else’s reality. I feel like I can come up to breathe from all that has gone down the last 6months. I’m at that point where the fog begins to lift and life as we remember it starts to peak through with the sun rays. I feel like I can almostย dip my foot back into the pool of blogging, writing, and rejoining a world that doesn’t mostly consist of consuming and being consumed (breastfeeding mama over here).

So, stay tuned. Because… I’m back. (& thanks for sticking around)

Xo, Kimberly Fe'Lix

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