
The end of an era…A gender reveal

I know it’s a bit archaic. I know that gender reveals rub a lot of people the wrong way. But I just think they are cute. It’s fun. Nothing more, nothing less. Should a day come when my children no longer identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, well that’s cool too.

So, when thinking about revealing the sex/gender of baby #3, I knew that I wanted to recreate the reveal of baby #2. So, after Elijah’s winter ballet recital we headed down to the Santa Monica Beach Pier to squeeze a little photo session in the midst of all the holiday hoopla (not to mention we were engulfed in planning our big cross-country move. I amย super happy with how the photos turned out. I’m in full on mom swoon.

So what’s it gonna be?

My #boymom game was strong… but this changes everything.

Cue the hubby’s heart palpitations. It’s a Girl.

Beyond excited for this new journey.

Update March 2017: If you’re reading this and wanna see babygirl when she was born. That post is here.

Xo, Kimberly Fe'Lix

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