
In the beginning [orig. 2010]

There is this belief, I have long held, that in order to begin, you must have ended something previously.

We do not erupt from nothing and commence from nowhere. All of these things come from something.

But as I’ve gotten older I think I’ve come to realize that beginnings and endings are all an illusion. If you look closely enough —squint your eyes and breathe deeply — all of our beginnings and endings bleed into one another.

I found that this fundamental misunderstanding was one of my biggest pitfalls. I was always making lists and plans for what to begin next, but I never actually beginning, because I was never actually finishing. I’m not rare, as a child I had dreams bigger than this world. Many of which I’ve accomplished, but I am consequently always working on lists that were created decades ago.

I’ve decided to do something radical. I’m going to hit refresh. I’m going to breathe deep and allow myself a new beginning. Comparing myself to lists from decades past? Not anymore. It’s time for a new mantra.

It sorta goes like this: “Just keep swimming…” (Thanks Dory!)

Eli + Duck 2010
baby eli

This blog has been many years in the making, and instead of perpetually ‘saving as draft,’ it’s time to submit.

So here it is. Cultivating Motherhood. Because somehow 7+ years have passed and I’m still figuring it all out.

Who’s with me?



Xo, Kimberly Fe'Lix

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